Rebecca Zamolo Pranks
Rebecca Zamolo tried Catfishing My HUSBAND MATT to See if HE LiES! (Surprising Secret to Reveal Truth) and quickly learned she needed to pay him back. Rebecca sets up the best trick ever as she tries the lost my memory prank on her husband Matt. Matt and Rebeca posted MATT IS TRAPPED in an Elevator for 24 Hours! Stuck in Most Mysterious Hacker Test Chamber with M2 but Rebecca doesn't trust him. Today he reveals that RZ twin helped rescue him but couldn't tell Rebecca. Matt leaves to get a wire for the game master remote and Rebecca starts the prank wars by calling her cousin Maddy. They initiate the master game plan and set up a DIY prank. After they go shopping Rebecca and Maddy set up spy cameras around the house and pretend Rebecca has fallen. Maddy makes a phone call to Matt to scare him and see how he reacts. He comes home and discovers Rebecca lost her memory and doesn't remember anything. Can she pull of the lost my memory prank in real life? Thanks for watching my PG entertainment comedy vlog videos in 2019!
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